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Viviane P. Moreira

Full Professor at the Institute of Informatics at UFRGS
Supervisor at the PostGraduate Program on Computer Science - PPGC



55 51 3308 6842


Instituto de Informática - UFRGS
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Bloco IV
Prédio 43425 Sala 211 91501-970

Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil


Short Bio


I am a Full Professor at the Institute of Informatics-UFRGS in Brazil. I received my Ph.D. from Middlesex University (UK – 2004) and my M.Sc. from INF-UFRGS (1999). In 2011, I spent a sabbatical year at the University of Utah (USA). My areas of interest are Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Databases. More specifically, my work has focused on multilingual matching, sentiment analysis, applications of classification, plagiarism detection, and stemming algorithms. I have advised over 20 graduate students and coauthored over 85 peer-reviewed scientific papers. I have also taken part in a number of research projects both as a principal investigator and as a participant. I act as program committee member in national and international conferences and as reviewer for research journals. Currently, I act as an Editor-in-Chief for ACL Rolling Review. I also receive a productivity grant from CNPq-Brazil (PQ level2).



School of Computing Science at Middlesex University (London - UK)

Title of Thesis: Assessing Relevance Using Automatically Translated Documents for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Area: Information Retrieval

Supervisor: Christian Huyck


Maters Degree

Institute of Informatics at UFRGS (Porto Alegre - Brazil)

Title of Dissertation: Consultas a Bancos de Dados Temporais que Suportam Versionamento de Esquemas
Area: Databases
Supervisor: Nina Edelweiss


Bachelors Degree


Systems Analysis


For a list of my publications, please go to one of these sites:

Ongoing Post-Graduate Supervisions

PhD in Computer Science

  1. Abel Correa Dias (co-supervision). Assessing the Risk of Bias of Clinical Trials. Start Date: 2021.

  2. Luciana Regina Bencke. Data Augmentation for Textual Classification. Start Date: 2020.

  3. Lucas Rafael Costella Pessutto. Multilingual Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. Start Date: 2019.

  4. Danny Suarez Vargas. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. Start Date: 2016.


MSc in Computer Science

  1. Higor Moreira. Start Date 2022.

  2. Antônio Menezes. Start Date 2022.

  3. Moniele Kunrath Santos. Improving OCR for Portuguese.Start Date 2022.

  4. Carlos Ricardo Machado Oliveira. Information extraction from speech. Start Date 2022.

  5. Paula Franceschini. Detecting errors in medical prescriptions. Start Date 2021.

  6. Felipe Soares Fagundes Paula. Question Answering. Start Date 2023.

  7. Francielle Vasconcelos Pereira. Text Simplification. Start Date 2023.


Completed Supervisions

PhD in Computer Science

  1. Diego de Vargas Feijó. Summarizing Legal Rulings. 2021.

  2. Solange de Lurdes Pertile. Combinando Métricas Baseadas em Conteúdo e em Referências para a Detecção de Plágio em Artigos Científicos. 2015.

  3. Gustavo Zanini Kantorski. Preenchimento Automático de Formulários na Web Oculta. 2014. Co-supervision.

  4. Maurício Coutinho Moraes. Towards Completely Automatized HTML Form Discovery on the Web. 2012. Co-supervision.


MSc in Computer Science

  1. Daniel Matheus Kuhn Aprendizado de máquina em tarefas prognósticas de COVID-19 : avaliação de algoritmos de classificação.  2022.

  2. Lucas Lima de Oliveira.  Creating Resources and Evaluating the Impact of OCR Quality on Information Retrieval: A Case Study in the Geoscientific Domain. 2022

  1. Mattyws Ferreira Grawe. Heterogeneous Ensemble Models for In-Hospital Mortality Prediction: 2021.

  2. Hortênsia Costa Barcelos. Feature Fusion for Data Mining. 2020.

  3. Melina Silva de Loreto. Early Prediction of ICU Readmissions using Classification Algorithms. 2020.

  4. Cleber de Souza Alcântara. A Study on Offensive Video Detection. 2020.

  5. Rogers Prates de Pelle. Identificação de Comentários Ofensivos na Web. 2019.

  6. Lucas Rafael Costella Pessutto. Clustering multilingual aspect phrases for Sentiment Analysis. 2018.

  7. Cassio Alan Garcia. Extração de Informações de Conferências em Páginas Web. 2017.

  8. Anderson Uiliam Kauer. Análise de Sentimentos baseada em Aspectos e Atribuição de Polaridade. 2016.

  9. Danny Suarez Vargas. Detecting Contrastive Sentences for Sentiment Analysis. 2016.

  10. Aline Graciela Lermen dos Santos.Experimentos comparativos combinando aprendizado supervisionado e tradução automática para mineração de emoçoes em textos multilíngues. 2016. (co-supervision).

  11. Felipe Nunes Flores. Assessing the Impact of Stemming Accuracy on Information Retrieval - A Multilingual Perspective. 2015.

  12. Bruno Rezende Laranjeira. On the application of Focused Crawling for Statistical Machine Translation Domain Adaptation. 2015.

  13. Carlos Eduardo Manzoni Moreira. Identifying Missing Cross-Language Links in Wikipedia. 2014.

  14. Alan Pinto Souza. Metadata extraction from Scientific Documents in PDF. 2014. Co-supervision

  15. Edson Roberto Duarte Weren. Atribuição de Perfis de Autoria. 2014.

  16. Otavio Costa Acosta. Identificação e tratamento de expressões multipalavras aplicado à Recuperação de Informações. 2011.  Co-supervision.

  17. Isabel Cristina Volpe. Cell Assemblies para Expansão de Consultas. 2011.

  18. Rafael Corezola Pereira. Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection. 2010.

  19. André Pinto Geraldo. Aplicando Algoritmos de Mineração de Regras de Associação para Recuperação de Informações Multilíngues. 2009.

  20. Juliana Bonato dos Santos. Automatizando o processo de estimativa de revocação e precisão de funções de similaridade. 2008. Co-supervision. 


My research interests mix Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Databases and the integration among these areas. More specifically, the topics in which I am currently working on are:

  • Data Mining of Electronic Health Records

  • Multimodal Information Retrieval

  • Multilingual Matching

  • Plagiarism Detection

  • Text Summarization

  • Opinion Mining

The complete list of Research Projects I took part in can be found here.

I also created the RSLP stemmer, a suffix stripping algorithm for Portuguese. It was proposed on 2001 and became quite popular with many implementations. For more information, please refer to its page.


The courses I teach are:

  • Data Structures - undergraduate level

  • Information Retrieval - postgraduate level

More information on those modules can be obtained in Moodle (available to enrolled students only).

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